package com.breeze.hib; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Junction; import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.ProjectionList; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.criterion.Subqueries; import org.hibernate.internal.CriteriaImpl; import org.hibernate.internal.CriteriaImpl.OrderEntry; import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers; import com.breeze.metadata.IDataProperty; import com.breeze.metadata.IEntityType; import com.breeze.metadata.INavigationProperty; import com.breeze.metadata.MetadataHelper; import com.breeze.query.AndOrPredicate; import com.breeze.query.AnyAllPredicate; import com.breeze.query.BinaryPredicate; import com.breeze.query.EntityQuery; import com.breeze.query.Expression; import com.breeze.query.LitExpression; import com.breeze.query.Operator; import com.breeze.query.OrderByClause; import com.breeze.query.OrderByClause.OrderByItem; import com.breeze.query.Predicate; import com.breeze.query.PropExpression; import com.breeze.query.SelectClause; import com.breeze.query.UnaryPredicate; /** * Converts EntityQuery into Hibernate Criteria. * * @author Jay * @see */ /** * @author Jay * */ class CriteriaBuilder { // TODO: fix select (projection) with nonscalar nav props. So far no idea how to do this... private CriteriaAliasBuilder _aliasBuilder; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private EntityQuery _entityQuery; private IEntityType _entityType; private int _subqCount = 0; private CriteriaBuilder() { } public static CriteriaBuilder create(Criteria crit, IEntityType entityType, EntityQuery entityQuery) { CriteriaBuilder critBuilder = new CriteriaBuilder(); critBuilder.updateCriteria(crit, entityType, entityQuery); return critBuilder; } /** * @param crit * a Criteria object that will be updated to match the entityQuery * @param entityQuery * the EntityQuery object from which the criteria should be updated. */ private void updateCriteria(Criteria crit, IEntityType entityType, EntityQuery entityQuery) { _entityType = entityType; _entityQuery = entityQuery; _aliasBuilder = new CriteriaAliasBuilder(); Integer takeCount = entityQuery.getTakeCount(); if (takeCount != null && takeCount == 0) { // Hack because setMaxResults(0) returns all records instead of // none. // so we do then equiv of skip 'everything' instead. // and then insure that we don't overwrite this with another skip. crit.setFirstResult(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else { if (takeCount != null) { crit.setMaxResults(takeCount); } Integer skipCount = entityQuery.getSkipCount(); if (skipCount != null) { crit.setFirstResult(skipCount); } } addWhere(crit, entityQuery.getWherePredicate()); addSelect(crit, entityQuery.getSelectClause()); addOrderBy(crit, entityQuery.getOrderByClause()); } /** * Apply the OData $inlinecount to the (already filtered) Criteria. Removes * $skip and $top and $orderby operations and adds a rowCount projection. * * @param crit * a Criteria object. Should already contain only filters that * affect the row count. * @return the same Criteria that was passed in, with operations added. */ public Criteria applyInlineCount(Criteria crit) { crit.setMaxResults(0); crit.setFirstResult(0); CriteriaImpl impl = (CriteriaImpl) crit; Iterator<OrderEntry> iter = impl.iterateOrderings(); while (iter.hasNext()) {; iter.remove(); } crit.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); return crit; } /** * @return whether this */ public boolean containsNavPropertyProxy() { return _aliasBuilder.containsNavPropertyProxy(); } private void addWhere(Criteria crit, Predicate wherePred) { if (wherePred == null) return; CriteriaWrapper critWrapper = new CriteriaWrapper(crit, _entityType); Criterion cr = toCriterion(critWrapper, wherePred, null); crit.add(cr); } private void addSelect(Criteria crit, SelectClause selectClause) { if (selectClause == null) return; ProjectionList projList = Projections.projectionList(); CriteriaWrapper critWrapper = new CriteriaWrapper(crit, _entityType); for (String propertyPath : selectClause.getPropertyPaths()) { String propertyName = _aliasBuilder.getPropertyName(critWrapper, propertyPath); projList.add(; } crit.setProjection(projList); crit.setResultTransformer(Transformers.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); } // Basically doing something like this for nested props /* * Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(OrderDetail.class) * .createAlias("product", "product_1") .createAlias("product_1.category", * "category_2") .addOrder( Order.desc("); */ private void addOrderBy(Criteria crit, OrderByClause obc) { if (obc == null) return; CriteriaWrapper critWrapper = new CriteriaWrapper(crit, _entityType); for (OrderByItem item : obc.getOrderByItems()) { String propertyName = _aliasBuilder.getPropertyName(critWrapper, item.getPropertyPath()); Order order = item.isDesc() ? Order.desc(propertyName) : Order .asc(propertyName); crit.addOrder(order); } } // crit is cast as Object because it can be either a Criteria or a DetachedCriteria // and these two classes do not share any useful interfaces. private Criterion toCriterion(CriteriaWrapper crit, Predicate pred, String contextAlias) { if (pred instanceof AndOrPredicate) { return createCriterion(crit, (AndOrPredicate) pred, contextAlias); } else if (pred instanceof AnyAllPredicate) { return createCriterion(crit, (AnyAllPredicate) pred, contextAlias); } else if (pred instanceof BinaryPredicate) { return createCriterion(crit, (BinaryPredicate) pred, contextAlias); } else if (pred instanceof UnaryPredicate) { return createCriterion(crit, (UnaryPredicate) pred, contextAlias); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to recognize predicate: " + pred.getOperator().getName()); } } // { resourceName: 'Orders', where: or: [{ 'employee.lastName': 'smith }, { // freight: 100 }] } // createCriteria(Order.class) // .createAlias('employee', 'e') // .add(disjunction() // .add(Restrictions.eq(e.lastName, 'smith') // .add(Restrictions.eq(freight, 100); private Criterion createCriterion(CriteriaWrapper crit, AndOrPredicate pred, String contextAlias) { Operator op = pred.getOperator(); Junction junction = (op == Operator.And) ? Restrictions.conjunction() : Restrictions.disjunction(); for (Predicate subPred : pred.getPredicates()) { Criterion cr = toCriterion(crit, subPred, contextAlias); junction.add(cr); } return junction; } private Criterion createCriterion(CriteriaWrapper crit, AnyAllPredicate pred, String contextAlias) { Operator op = pred.getOperator(); if (op == Operator.Any) { DetachedCriteria detCrit = makeSubcrit(crit, pred); Criterion cr = Subqueries.exists(detCrit); return cr; } else if (op == Operator.All) { DetachedCriteria detCrit = makeSubcrit(crit, pred); Criterion cr = Subqueries.notExists(detCrit); return cr; } // OLD logic using joins - cannot be 'inverted' to make an 'any' into an 'all though // if (op == Operator.Any) { // PropExpression pexpr = pred.getExpr(); // Predicate nextPred = pred.getPredicate(); // // TODO: should check that propertyPath below is not nested - i.e. a // // simple navigation propertyName // String propertyPath = pexpr.getPropertyPath(); // String nextContextAlias = _aliasBuilder.getSimpleAlias(crit, propertyPath); // Criterion cr = toCriterion(crit, nextPred, nextContextAlias); // return cr; // } throw new RuntimeException("'All' predicates are not yet supported."); // Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(CD.class, "cd"); // criteria.createAlias("cd.tracks", "track"); // criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("track.title", "someTitle")); // IF USING exists then we need join columns // Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(CD.class, "cd"); // DetachedCriteria trackCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Track.class, "track"); // trackCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("track.title", "SomeTitle")); // trackCriteria.add(Restrictions.propertyEq("track.cd_id", "")); // trackCriteria.setProjection("")); // criteria.add(Subqueries.exists(trackCriteria)); } private DetachedCriteria makeSubcrit(CriteriaWrapper crit, AnyAllPredicate pred) { PropExpression pexpr = pred.getExpr(); Predicate nextPred = pred.getPredicate(); if (pred.getOperator() == Operator.All) { nextPred = new UnaryPredicate(Operator.Not, nextPred); } // TODO: should check that propertyPath below is not nested - // i.e. should be a simple navigation propertyName IEntityType parentType = pexpr.getEntityType(); List<IDataProperty> rootKeyProperties = parentType.getKeyProperties(); String propertyPath = pexpr.getPropertyPath(); INavigationProperty navProp = (INavigationProperty) MetadataHelper.getPropertyFromPath(propertyPath, parentType); String[] subtypeFkNames = navProp.getInvForeignKeyNames(); IEntityType subtype = navProp.getEntityType(); List<IDataProperty> subtypeKeyProperties = subtype.getKeyProperties(); Class subqueryClass = MetadataHelper.lookupClass(subtype.getName()); String subqAlias = "subq" + _subqCount++; DetachedCriteria detCrit = DetachedCriteria.forClass(subqueryClass, subqAlias); CriteriaWrapper detWrapper = new CriteriaWrapper(detCrit, subtype); Criterion subCrit = toCriterion(detWrapper, nextPred, null); detCrit.add(subCrit); Criterion joinCrit = new PropertyExpression( subqAlias + "." + subtypeFkNames[0], crit.getAlias() + "." + rootKeyProperties.get(0).getName(), "="); detCrit.add(joinCrit); detCrit.setProjection( + "." + subtypeKeyProperties.get(0).getName())); return detCrit; } private Criterion createCriterion(CriteriaWrapper crit, UnaryPredicate pred, String contextAlias) { Criterion cr = toCriterion(crit, pred.getPredicate(), contextAlias); return Restrictions.not(cr); } private Criterion createCriterion(CriteriaWrapper crit, BinaryPredicate pred, String contextAlias) { Operator op = pred.getOperator(); String symbol = _operatorMap.get(op.getName()); Expression expr1 = pred.getExpr1(); Expression expr2 = pred.getExpr2(); Criterion cr; if (expr1 instanceof PropExpression) { PropExpression pexpr1 = (PropExpression) expr1; String propPath = pexpr1.getPropertyPath(); String propName; if (pexpr1.getProperty().getParentType().isComplexType()) { // don't process the property path in this case. propName = propPath; } else { propName = _aliasBuilder.getPropertyName(crit, propPath); } propName = (contextAlias == null) ? propName : contextAlias + "." + propName; if (expr2 instanceof LitExpression) { Object value = ((LitExpression) expr2).getValue(); if (value == null) { if (op == Operator.Equals) { cr = Restrictions.isNull(propName); } else if (op == Operator.NotEquals) { cr = Restrictions.isNotNull(propName); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Binary Predicate with a null value and the " + op.getName() + "operator is not supported ."); } } else if (symbol != null) { cr = new OperatorExpression(propName, value, symbol); } else if (op == Operator.In) { cr =, ((List) value).toArray()); } else if (op == Operator.StartsWith) { cr =, ((String) value), MatchMode.START); } else if (op == Operator.EndsWith) { cr =, (String) value, MatchMode.END); } else if (op == Operator.Contains) { cr =, ((String) value), MatchMode.ANYWHERE); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Binary Predicate with the " + op.getName() + "operator is not yet supported."); } } else { // javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder x = new // javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder(); String otherPropPath = ((PropExpression) expr2) .getPropertyPath(); if (symbol != null) { cr = new PropertyExpression(propName, otherPropPath, symbol); } else if (op == Operator.StartsWith) { cr = new LikePropertyExpression(propName, otherPropPath, MatchMode.START); } else if (op == Operator.EndsWith) { cr = new LikePropertyExpression(propName, otherPropPath, MatchMode.END); } else if (op == Operator.Contains) { cr = new LikePropertyExpression(propName, otherPropPath, MatchMode.ANYWHERE); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Property comparison with the " + op.getName() + "operator is not yet supported."); } } return cr; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Function expressions not yet supported."); } } private static final HashMap<String, String> _operatorMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { _operatorMap.put("eq", "="); _operatorMap.put("ne", "<>"); _operatorMap.put("gt", ">"); _operatorMap.put("ge", ">="); _operatorMap.put("lt", "<"); _operatorMap.put("le", "<="); } }